to end YOUTH homelessness
Entirely too many young people spend their evenings sleeping on the streets because they have no other option. TGTHR was started decades ago to give youth opportunities to change their futures by making every instance of youth homelessness rare, brief, and nonrecurring.
a business opportunity for the benefit of youth

TGTHR’s Transitional Living Program connects young people between the ages of 18-24 with safe and stable housing in Boulder County. Through solid relationships with property managers, we work to secure more available housing for young people. Once a young person is housed, our Case Managers provide support with a variety of things to ensure they maintain housing long-term. The goal of this program is to move young people from unstable or unsafe living situations to safe independent housing, and to prevent them from experiencing homelessness again.
“It is a fulfilling feeling to know that my once-empty unit is now being rented out to someone who did not have a place to live just last month. He is so proud of his new apartment every time I stop by, it’s really energizing to see. It reinforces to me that renting to a TGTHR participant was the right decision, and the team at TGTHR has provided support along the way to make it an easy one.”
– Current property manager of TGTHR tenant

leasing to a youth is as easy as 1,2,3

1. Decide To Lease
Take the first step of filling out an initial inquiry form to get connected with our Transitional Living Program staff and have all your questions answered.

2. Work with TGTHR
TGTHR will select a youth on our housing waitlist that is ready for independent housing and will be a good fit for your housing. Our staff would work directly with you to complete a rental application and meet all initial move-in requirements.

3. House a Youth
TGTHR will help the youth move in, and will meet with them consistently to provide support. Once the TGTHR tenant is housed, we work to ensure subsidies and funding are available for their full lease term and help them remain successfully housed.
the benefits of partnering:
- ACCOUNTABILITY: We provide accountability by helping secure funding for rent and utility payments for each TGTHR tenant.
- CASE MANAGEMENT: We provide bi-weekly case management support for each TGTHR tenant to ensure they remain on track with their goals.
- COMMUNITY TIES: Our deep community ties, partnerships, and collaborations showcase that we are a trusted community organization.
- MARKETING BENEFITS: Promotional and marketing perks through TGTHR, as well as savings for you in listing your rental.
- STAFF SUPPORT: Our staff are knowledgeable, experienced, and ready to assist you throughout the entire lease term.
- FLEXIBILITY: We are able to work with you on the amount of units you'd like to lease out, the lease terms, and more.
TGTHR will work with you to ensure this partnership is beneficial to you as well as your new TGTHR tenant. We look forward to partnering with you to end youth homelessness in our community!
Frequently Asked Questions
- Rent calculations are based off a potential tenant’s income. Once the tenant portion is calculated, the remainder of rent is paid by the subsidy. Our job is to prevent another episode of homelessness, and we will connect them with funding to prevent that from happening.
Once you house a TGTHR tenant, they will have a Case Manager you can contact in cases of emergency, complaints, disputes, or potential evictions. This Case Manager will meet with the TGTHR tenant to ensure they are doing what is needed to stay successfully housed.
In addition to the savings you will benefit from not needing to list your rental on the market, your name or business will be listed on our website partners page, and you will be featured in a newsletter article that will go out to our network of 8,000+ individuals.
TGTHR started our Residential Care Program in 1966, serving ages 12-18 in the child welfare system. After we saw 30% of youth exiting our program into homelessness, we opened an Emergency Shelter and daytime Drop-In Center in 2010. In 2015, we saw a need for accessible housing for our program participants so we launched a Transitional Living Program pairing program participants with subsidies to secure independent off-site housing. In 2019, we completed the TGTHR Apartments: a 40-unit, housing-first apartment project with on-site supportive services for young adults.