Ilya (they/them/theirs) first came to The Source in 2019 after leaving a motel in Denver where they
were living with their family. Ilya said they came to The Source because they wanted to find a stable
place to live and needed a little bit of help. When they first got to The Source Ilya instantly started
working toward the goals of employment, education, and housing. They landed a job at a warehouse in
Longmont and successfully worked there for over a year when they were approved by the Housing Panel
for a security deposit and three months worth of rent. Ilya continued to work with TGTHR’s Transitional
Living Program Case Manager to apply for apartments at various housing complexes we have a
partnership with. During this time Ilya also started school at Red Rocks Community College, and set the
goal to continue with these classes even after they leave The Source. Ilya successfully moved into their
own apartment and is still attending classes at Red Rocks. They plan to raise their GPA and transfer to
CU Boulder for Physics.
Meet Ilya (they/them/theirs)
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