Meet Marianna (she/her/hers) - TGTHR

Meet Marianna (she/her/hers)

When Marianna came to The Source, we already knew about her home situation since her older brother had used our services before. Her parents, suffering from extreme financial distress with 3 additional school-aged children, claimed they could no longer afford to care for her. At age 18, Marianna knew she needed to leave but was reluctant to go. When her father became violent, she realized home was no longer an option.

43% of youth who left home reported physical abuse before leaving home.

After leaving her parents’ house, Marianna was not able to become immediately self-sufficient. Due to these circumstances, she didn’t graduate high school. At The Source, Marianna was able to re-engage with her education through GED courses.

75% of youth facing homelessness do not graduate from high school.

Marianna’s future now feels brighter with the support of TGTHR. She worked with our Employment Counselor and was able to secure a job. With the help of some housing deposit funds from TGTHR, Marianna and her brother found an apartment together and she proudly finished her GED. Marianna still comes to The Source for continuing education in grammar and professional writing.

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