Marques A. Ivey is a County Court Judge in the 17th Judicial District (Adams and Broomfield Counties). Prior to that Judge Ivey was a trial attorney, relief judge (Aurora, Lakewood, and Westminster), and social media platform manager who also happened to be elected to the AuroraPublic Schools Board of Education. Before hanging his shingle in 2006, Judge Ivey was a Public Defender in the Denver Trial Office and an associate in the law firm of Harris, Karstaedt, Jamison, andPowers, PC.
Judge Ivey’s focus was on trying cases and expanding his legal background beyond just criminal defense. So he spent time taking on cases in other disciplines so that he could expand his knowledge and be more prepared to handle any court docket. Judge Ivey served as President, Secretary, and treasurer of the Aurora Public Schools Board of Education, and Vice President of Advocacy and Chair of the Legislation Committee of the National PTA. Judge Ivey has been married for 25 years to Stacey, an Educator, and has one college graduate, and two college students.