Impact Gala 2022 - TGTHR

Impact Gala 2022

TGTHR’s Impact Gala brings together local companies, community, friends, and supporters to raise awareness and fundraise for young people experiencing homelessness. After two years of virtual galas, 2022 was a time we could finally gather in-person to reconnect, celebrate, and support youth thriving in our community. Thanks to event attendees, sponsors, and auction participants, over $215,000 was raised to support programs and services for the incredible young people here at TGTHR.

The work of ending youth homeless truly takes a village. To recognize our community partners and advocates for going above and beyond, we awarded four community awards at the event. We are honored to work alongside Ed Victor, Zac Schaffner, Heidi Sliwa, and The Nest (watch the community award video here). 

In addition to raising awareness and support, the event also shines a light on youth voices and experiences. This year, we are honored to recognize Craig with the Youth Enterprise Award (watch Craig’s award video here). This award recognizes a young person between the ages of 18 and 24 who participates in TGTHR’s programming, has overcome personal adversity, is creating positive change in their lives, and demonstrating exceptional work towards pursuing a personal goal. The Youth Enterprise Award is a unique opportunity to financially support and publicly acknowledge exceptional work by the young people in our programs. 

We can’t end the causes of youth homelessness, but we can end the worst outcomes. Join us as we work to be one of the first cities in the country where no young person is living on the streets, and every young person has the chance to thrive. TGTHR is building a movement that galvanizes communities, empowers young people, and puts an end to youth homelessness.

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